The National Environment Policy

Between 1993 and 2001, the Union of the Comoros adopted a political framework which resulted in the development and adoption of a National Environmental Policy, an Action Plan Environmental, and a national strategy and action plan for the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity.

A legislative and regulatory framework was put in place with the adoption and promulgation, in October 1994 (decree No. 94/100/PR), of the framework law on the environment and some implementing texts relating in particular to the creation of the Mohéli marine park, the protection of species and environmental impact studies (EIA). The framework law takes into account sustainable development, impact studies, biological diversity, protection of the terrestrial and marine environment, protected areas.

The three main international conventions directly concerned with the conservation of biological diversity have been ratified, namely the Convention on Biological Diversity (June 5, 1992), the Convention on Climate Change (June 4, 1992) and the Convention to Combat Desertification .

The national environmental policy was developed and adopted in 1993 by Decree No. 93-214/PR, based on the document "Diagnosis of the state of the environment in the Comoros"

Release date 03/28/2007
Contributor Hachime Abderemane


  • Ensure sustainable and rational management of natural resources
  • Support the rational use of natural resources and the development of alternative solutions
  • Promote the rational use and the fight against the waste of available resources
  • Encourage research and dissemination of viable alternative solutions and promote the transfer of environmentally friendly technologies and the necessary investments
  • Safeguard, protect biological diversity and areas of great ecological and/or cultural interest
  • Define a natural and cultural heritage conservation policy
  • Safeguard the terrestrial biological diversity and main of the Comoros
  • Realize in the short term the effective protection of areas of high ecological and/or cultural interest by classifying the sites already identified
  • Identify new sites to preserve and/or manage
  • Develop and/or update knowledge about the environment
  • Carry out an exhaustive inventory and carry out permanent monitoring of biological diversity, natural resources, traditions, society and the economy
  • Have a dynamic database, constantly updated, on the environment, society and economy of the Comoros
  • Promoting economically and ecologically viable agriculture
  • Support the implementation of the environmental aspects of the national agricultural policy
  • Promoting the conservation and restoration of forest heritage through rational management of forest resources
  • Promote and implement a national forest policy
  • Strengthen national capacities in the management of forest resources
  • Develop and encourage the participation of communities and the population in the management of forest resources
  • Put in place appropriate management of the marine and coastal space
  • Develop a development policy aimed at ensuring the maintenance of the quality of the coastal space and taking into account its tourist potential
  • Rational management and exploitation of marine resources
  • Ensuring the control and monitoring of rainfall in the marine environment
  • Define or strengthen sectoral policies
  • Defining a land use planning policy
  • Reviews the land system
  • Defining a water policy
  • Define and implement a sanitation and waste management policy